U.S. EPA and the Sanitation Districts Celebrate $568 Million in Low-Interest Loans

U.S. EPA and the Sanitation Districts Celebrate $568 Million in Low-Interest Loans

May 23, 2023

On May 23, senior officials from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB), and the Los Angeles County Sanitation Districts held an event to celebrate $441 million in Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act loans and $127 million in State Revolving Fund loans for the Clearwater Project. These loans will save our ratepayers $150 million compared to using municipal bonds. Speakers at the event included Sanitation Districts General Manager Robert Ferrante, Sanitation Districts Chairwoman Cathy Warner, EPA Assistant Administrator Radhika Fox and SWRCB Chairman Joaquin Esquivel. Officials also toured the construction site and saw parts of the 18-foot diameter tunnel, of which 2.5 miles have been completed.

Construction Update to the Joint Land Use & Planning Committee for San Pedro Neighborhood Councils

Construction Update to the Joint Land Use & Planning Committee for San Pedro Neighborhood Councils

May 1, 2023

Last week, we provided a construction update to the Joint Land Use & Planning Committee. Our presentation included an overview of the Clearwater Project and our progress in building the new tunnel, including the 2.5 miles completed to date. We also shared information on construction-related activities that are occurring at Royal Palms Beach.

Construction Update to Northwest San Pedro Neighborhood Council

Construction Update to Northwest San Pedro Neighborhood Council

April 12, 2023

On April 10, we provided a construction update to the Northwest San Pedro Neighborhood Council. We gave an overview of the project including the 2 miles completed by the tunnel boring machine so far. We also discussed the various systems for monitoring the tunneling and the geology along the alignment.

Construction Update to Residents of the South Shores Community Association

Construction Update to Residents of the South Shores Community Association

March 22, 2023

On March 21, we provided a construction update to over 100 residents from the South Shores Community Association. Our presentation included an overview of the Clearwater Project and how addressing aging sewer infrastructure will protect local waterways. Residents heard about our progress in building the new tunnel, including the 2.2 miles completed to date. We also shared information on construction-related activities that are occurring in the first quarter of 2023 at Royal Palms Beach.

Construction Update to South Shores Community Association

Construction Update to South Shores Community Association

February 22, 2023

On February 21, we provided a construction update to the South Shores Community Association Board of Directors. The Board was briefed on our progress in building the new tunnel, including the 2.2 miles completed. We also shared information on construction-related activities that are occurring in the first quarter of 2023 at Royal Palms Beach.

Overview of Sanitation Districts to Coastal San Pedro Neighborhood Council

Overview of Sanitation Districts to Coastal San Pedro Neighborhood Council

February 22, 2023

We provided an overview of the Sanitation Districts to the Coastal San Pedro Neighborhood Council and members of the public. We discussed our agency's history and our water and solid waste recycling programs. The Council was also briefed on our food waste recycling program, which helps cities meet state-mandated organic diversion requirements.

Construction Update to Palos Verdes Chamber of Commerce

Construction Update to Palos Verdes Chamber of Commerce

January 11, 2023

On January 10, Chamber members were briefed on our progress in building the new 7-mile-long tunnel, including 2 miles completed. We also provided information on the construction-related activities occurring at Royal Palms Beach over the next few months, including potholing around the Districts' property.

Construction Update to Joint San Pedro Planning & Land Use Committee

Construction Update to Joint San Pedro Planning & Land Use Committee

December 1, 2022

On November 30, we provided a construction update to representatives of the various San Pedro Neighborhood Councils serving on the Joint Planning and Land Use Committee. Attendees learned about our progress in building the new tunnel, including 1.8 miles completed. We also shared information on the construction-related activities that will be occurring at Royal Palms Beach in early 2023.

Construction Update to Coastal San Pedro Neighborhood Council

Construction Update to Coastal San Pedro Neighborhood Council

October 27, 2022

On October 17, council members and residents learned about the progress made in building the new tunnel, with over 1 mile completed to date. We also shared the construction-related activities that will be occurring at Royal Palms Beach in early 2023. Potholing will be done around our property at the beach to more accurately determine the footprint of the underground structure that connects the existing tunnels to the ocean outfalls. This is the initial work for the construction at Royal Palms Beach. To request a presentation, visit our webpage.

Construction Update to South Bay Sunrise Rotary Club

Construction Update to South Bay Sunrise Rotary Club

October 26, 2022

On October 12, we provided a Clearwater Project construction update (focusing on the work completed over the last two years) to the Rotary Club. We also briefed members on the Pure Water Southern California Program (Pure Water), which is currently in the environmental planning phase. If approved, Pure Water could become the largest water purification facility in the nation, producing enough water for 1.5 million people. To learn more about Pure Water Southern California, click here.

Construction Update to Northwest San Pedro Neighborhood Council

Construction Update to Northwest San Pedro Neighborhood Council

October 25, 2022

On October 10, council members and residents heard about our progress in building the first mile of the 7-mile Clearwater tunnel. The tunnel boring machine is currently underneath Harbor Regional Park and is expected to reach Gaffey Street and Capitol Drive next summer. To request a presentation, visit our webpage.

Construction Update to Public

Construction Update to Public

September 28, 2022

On September 28, community members saw new video footage of the tunnel construction and what has been built to date. We also shared details about tunneling, ground monitoring and other aspects of the project.

Construction Update to North Wilmington Neighborhood Watch Group

Construction Update to Harbor City Neighborhood Council

September 21, 2022

On September 21, we shared the latest information on our tunneling. Guests got a look inside the completed portion of the tunnel, which is now 1 mile long. We also discussed when the tunnel boring machine is expected to reach the southern edge of Harbor Regional Park.

Construction Update to North Wilmington Neighborhood Watch Group

Construction Update to North Wilmington Neighborhood Watch Group

September 9, 2022

Residents who live near the Clearwater construction site at the Joint Water Pollution Control Plant (JWPCP) heard about our progress in building the first mile of the 7-mile Clearwater tunnel. We also briefed community members on Pure Water Southern California, a project that is currently in the environmental planning phase. If approved, it could become the largest water purification facility in the nation, producing enough water for 1.5 million people. To learn more about Pure Water Southern California, click here.

Briefing on Food Waste Recycling to Peninsula Breakfast Club

Briefing on Food Waste Recycling to Peninsula Breakfast Club

May 28, 2022

The Peninsula Breakfast Club received an overview on the Sanitation Districts' food waste recycling program. Club members, who are mostly former military officers and aerospace engineers, saw how food waste is received at the Puente Hills Materials Recovery Facility in Whittier, processed into a slurry, and then trucked to the Joint Water Pollution Control Plant in Carson to co-digest with the solids removed from the wastewater treatment process. Food waste is ultimately converted to compost and to biogas that is used to produce green power.

Construction Update to Carson Rotary Club

Construction Update to Carson Rotary Club

April 13, 2022

Business and community leaders from the Carson area came to learn about the Clearwater Project at the Carson Community Center. Despite the power outage, we were able to provide an update on the tunnel construction.

Construction Update to Military Officers Association of America

Construction Update to Military Officers Association of America

March 18, 2022

Former military officers gathered at Rolling Hills Estates to hear about the Clearwater Project. Their military service spanned from World War II to recent wars. Many expressed an interest in the Regional Recycled Water Program, a partnership with the Metropolitan Water Districts of Southern California that could lead to the largest recycled water project in the nation.

Construction Update to Peninsula Breakfast Club

Construction Update to Peninsula Breakfast Club

February 14, 2022

On February 12, we presented to the Peninsula Breakfast Club. We gave an overview of the Clearwater Project, described the latest construction activities, and provided details of our school outreach program. To request a presentation, visit our webpage.

Construction Update to South Bay Cities' Infrastructure Working Group

Construction Update to South Bay Cities' Infrastructure Working Group

February 10, 2022

On February 9, we presented an update to the South Bay Cities' Infrastructure Working Group. We gave an overview of the Clearwater Project and described the latest construction activities.

Construction Update to Wilmington Rotary Club

Construction Update to Wilmington Rotary Club

February 8, 2022

On February 7, we presented to the Wilmington Rotary Club. We gave an overview of the Clearwater Project, described the latest construction activities, and provided details of our school outreach program.

Construction Update to San Pedro Rotary Club

Construction Update to San Pedro Rotary Club

January 6, 2022

On January 6, we presented an update to the San Pedro Rotary Club. We gave an overview of the Clearwater project, described the latest construction activities, and provided details of our school outreach program.

Construction Update to Public

November 1, 2021

On October 30th, we provided a virtual construction update on the Clearwater Project. The presentation is available on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4bHDe1qvJ64.

Construction Update to Wilmington Neighborhood Council

Construction Update to Wilmington Neighborhood Council

October 27, 2021

On October 26, we provided a Clearwater Project construction update to the Wilmington Neighborhood Council including mention of our school outreach program.

Construction Update to Harbor City Neighborhood Council

Construction Update to San Pedro Chamber of Commerce

September 15, 2021

On September 14, we provided a Clearwater Project construction update to the San Pedro Chamber of Commerce. We gave an overview of the project, the latest construction activities, and details of our school outreach program.

Construction Update to Harbor City Neighborhood Council

Construction Update to Harbor City Neighborhood Council

August 23, 2021

On August 18, we provided a Clearwater Project construction update to the Harbor City Neighborhood Council. In addition to a project overview, we gave construction details on the three underground maintenance blocks that were installed along the tunnel alignment, and how the tunnel boring machine has been lowered to its starting depth, assembled and readied to start tunneling.

Construction Update to Coastal San Pedro Neighborhood Council

Construction Update to Coastal San Pedro Neighborhood Council

August 20, 2021

On August 16, we provided a Clearwater Project construction update to the Coastal San Pedro Neighborhood Council. We gave a project overview, the latest construction updates, and explained how the tunnel boring machine works.

Construction Update to Joint Land Use & Planning Committee for San Pedro Neighborhood Councils

Construction Update to Joint Land Use & Planning Committee for San Pedro Neighborhood Councils

August 16, 2021

On August 11, we provided a Clearwater Project construction update to the Joint Land Use and Planning Committee for the Coastal, Central and Northwest San Pedro Neighborhood Councils. We gave a project overview, the latest construction updates, and explained how the tunnel boring machine works.

Construction Update at Carson City Council Meeting

Construction Update at Carson City Council Meeting

August 4, 2021

On August 3, we provided a construction update on the Clearwater Project at the Carson City Council meeting. We gave an overview of the project and the latest construction activities. The presentation was livestreamed to residents and can be viewed by clicking here.

Construction Update to City of Carson

Construction Update to City of Carson

July 13, 2021

On July 12, we gave a construction update on the Clearwater Project to the Carson Mayor and city staff. We provided a project overview and construction status.

Construction Update to Young Professionals of the American Public Works Association

Construction Update to Young Professionals of the American Public Works Association

June 24, 2021

On June 23, we gave a presentation on the Clearwater Project to the young professionals of the American Public Works Association. We gave a project overview and discussed the access shaft construction, underground concrete "maintenance blocks," and how the tunnel boring machine works.

Tunneling Machine Lowered Underground

June 22, 2021

Yesterday, Rachel, our tunnel boring machine (TBM), was lowered in sections about 100 feet below ground using the access shaft in Carson. After being assembled and tested underground, she will start tunneling. Click here to see highlights of this event.

Construction Update to Peninsula Veterans Group

Construction Update to Peninsula Veterans Group

June 19, 2021

On June 18, we provided a Clearwater Project construction update to the Peninsula Veterans Group. We gave a project overview, the latest construction updates, and explained how the tunnel boring machine works.

Construction Update to Northwest San Pedro Neighborhood Council

Construction Update to Northwest San Pedro Neighborhood Council

June 15, 2021

Yesterday, we provided a Clearwater Project construction update to the Northwest San Pedro Neighborhood Council. We discussed the installation of ground monitoring stations along Gaffey Street in preparation for tunneling and the lowering of the tunneling machine down the shaft next week.

South Bay Cities Council of Governments

Construction Update to South Bay Cities Council of Governments

April 29, 2021

On April 22, we provided a construction update for the Clearwater Project to the South Bay Cities Council of Governments Board of Directors. We discussed the access shaft construction, underground concrete "maintenance blocks," and how the tunnel boring machine works.

Launch Event

Launch Event for Clearwater Tunneling Machine

April 16, 2021

Yesterday, we hosted a virtual event to unveil the Clearwater Project tunneling machine and recognize the student finalists of our TBM naming and art contests. The event featured several distinguished speakers and provided an opportunity to see the tunneling machine before it is lowered below ground to start tunneling. Click here for photos of the event.

Construction Update to Public

Construction Update to Public

February 8, 2021

On January 30th, we provided a virtual construction update on the Clearwater Project. The presentation is available on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DHRHgr9sJ8A.

Contest Winners Announced

Contest Winners Announced

December 28, 2020

We are pleased to announce the winners of our tunnel boring machine (TBM) naming and art contests. For the TBM naming contest, students submitted original essays that explained the significance of their proposed name and its importance to the community. ...read more

Rotary Club of South Gate

Peninsula Veterans Group

November 5, 2020

On November 4, we provided an update on construction of the Clearwater Project to the Peninsula Veterans Group. We discussed the access shaft, underground concrete "maintenance blocks", and how the tunnel boring machine (TBM) works. ...read more

Rotary Club of South Gate

Rotary Club of South Gate

October 21, 2020

On October 21, we provided an overview of the Clearwater Project and a construction update. We also mentioned the tunnel boring machine (TBM) naming and art contests that are open to all students in Los Angeles County. ...read more

Northwest San Pedro Neighborhood Council

Northwest San Pedro Neighborhood Council

October 13, 2020

On October 13, we provided a construction update to the Northwest San Pedro Neighborhood Council. We showed video clips of the shaft construction taking place at the Joint Water Pollution Control Plant in Carson. ...read more

Rotary Club of San Pedro

Rotary Club of San Pedro

September 17, 2020

On September 17, we provided a construction update on the Clearwater Project to the Rotary Club of San Pedro. We covered the shaft construction, the underground concrete (maintenance) blocks being created at three locations along the tunnel alignment and how the tunnel boring machine builds the tunnel as it digs. ...read more

Palos Verdes Chamber of Commerce

Palos Verdes Chamber of Commerce

September 10, 2020

On September 10, we provided a brief overview and a construction update on the Clearwater Project. We showed the construction of the shaft that will be used to lower the tunnel boring machine (TBM) to its starting depth. ...read more

Peninsula Breakfast Club

Peninsula Breakfast Club

August 22, 2020

On August 22, we provided a brief overview of the Clearwater Project and a construction update to the Peninsula Breakfast Club. We covered the shaft construction, the creation of underground concrete "maintenance blocks" at three locations along the tunnel alignment, and how the tunnel boring machine (TBM) works. ...read more

Wilmington Chamber of Commerce

Wilmington Chamber of Commerce

August 8, 2020

On August 8, we provided a construction update to the Wilmington Chamber of Commerce. We showed video clips of the shaft construction taking place at the Joint Water Pollution Control Plant in Carson. ...read more

Joint Planning & Land Use Committee for San Pedro Neighborhood Councils

Joint Planning & Land Use Committee for San Pedro Neighborhood Councils

July 23, 2020

On July 16, we provided a construction update to the Joint Planning & Land Use Committee for the San Pedro Neighborhood Councils. We also mentioned that we are offering free virtual tours of our facilities to schools, and that we will be holding art and naming for the tunnel boring machine in September. ...read more

Clearwater Update to Harbor City Neighborhood Council

Virtual Presentations to Leland Elementary Students

June 8, 2020

Last month we gave virtual presentations of "Olivia's Clean Water Adventure" to students at Leland Elementary in San Pedro. This presentation encourages environmental stewardship and shows how we can help keep our waterways clean. ...read more

Clearwater Update to Harbor City Neighborhood Council

Clearwater Update to Harbor City Neighborhood Council

March 3, 2020

On February 19, 2020, the Sanitation Districts provided an update on the Clearwater Project to the Harbor City Neighborhood Council. In addition to providing updates on construction, we mentioned our new school outreach program aimed at inspiring students in careers in science, technology, engineering and math. ...read more

San Pedro Neighborhood Councils Tour JWPCP

San Pedro Neighborhood Councils Tour JWPCP

November 5, 2019

On November 2, 2019, the Sanitation Districts gave a tour of the Joint Water Pollution Control Plant (JWPCP) to members of the Coastal, Central and Northwest San Pedro Neighborhood Councils. Attendees learned about wastewater treatment and how we convert waste into resources. ...read more

Clearwater Presentation to City of Los Angeles Sanitation Department

Clearwater Presentation to City of Los Angeles Sanitation Department

October 18, 2019

On October 17, 2019, the Sanitation Districts provided an overview of the Clearwater Project to the City of Los Angeles Sanitation Department staff. The presentation covered the need for the project, how it will protect local waterways by addressing aging infrastructure, the planning process and construction status. ...read more

Clearwater Update to Wilmington Neighborhood Council

Clearwater Update to Wilmington Neighborhood Council

September 25, 2019

On September 24, 2019, the Sanitation Districts provided an update on the Clearwater Project to the Wilmington Neighborhood Council. In addition to providing updates on construction, we mentioned our new school outreach program aimed at inspiring students in careers in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM). ...read more

Clearwater Update to San Pedro Joint Planning and Land Use Committee

Clearwater Update to San Pedro Joint Planning and Land Use Committee

September 20, 2019

On September 18, 2019, the Sanitation Districts provided an update on the Clearwater Project to the Joint Planning and Land Use Committee for the Coastal, Central and Northwest San Pedro Neighborhood Councils. The latest construction activities and schedule were shared with Committee Members. ...read more

Clearwater Update to Harbor City Neighborhood Council

Clearwater Update to Harbor City Neighborhood Council

September 20, 2019

On September 18, 2019, the Sanitation Districts provided an update on the Clearwater Project to the Harbor City Neighborhood Council. ...read more

Clearwater Project Update to Peninsula Breakfast Club

Clearwater Team at Seal Day Festival

June 24, 2019

Clearwater team participated in the Seal Day Festival in San Pedro, which took place on June 22. Many visitors stopped by the Sanitation Districts of Los Angeles County's booth and inquired about the Clearwater Project, our water recycling program, and the upcoming school outreach program. For more information on these programs, please visit our Clearwater Project Resource Page.

School Outreach Program Starts This Fall

June 20, 2019

This fall, we start our School Outreach Program for the Clearwater Project, which will provide students the opportunity to learn about the science and technology of wastewater treatment, environmental stewardship through water recycling, and the engineering used to build critical infrastructure. ...read more

Tour of Joint Water Pollution Control Plant

May 21, 2019

On Saturday, May 18, 2019, the Sanitation Districts gave a tour of the Joint Water Pollution Control Plant (JWPCP) to Clearwater Project stakeholders. Attendees learned about wastewater treatment, how we convert waste into resources, and toured the Bixby Marshland. ...read more

Clearwater Project Update to Peninsula Breakfast Club

Clearwater Project Update to Peninsula Breakfast Club

March 27, 2019

On Saturday, March 23, 2019, the Sanitation Districts provided the Peninsula Breakfast Club an update on the Clearwater Project. ...read more

WINTER Youth Builders Tour Joint Water Pollution Control Plant

WINTER Youth Builders Tour Joint Water Pollution Control Plant

March 21, 2019

On March 20, the Sanitation Districts gave a tour of the Joint Water Pollution Control Plant to the WINTER Youth Builders, a nonprofit organization teaching youth trade skills for construction jobs. ...read more

Clearwater Project Update to North Wilmington Neighborhood Watch Group

Clearwater Project Update to North Wilmington Neighborhood Watch Group

March 14, 2019

On March 12, 2019, the Sanitation Districts provided the North Wilmington Neighborhood Watch Group an update on the Clearwater Project. ...read more

Clearwater Project Update to Dragados' South Bay Community Advisory Committee

Clearwater Project Update to Dragados' South Bay Community Advisory Committee

February 28, 2019

On February 27, the Sanitation Districts provided an update on the Clearwater Project to Dragados' Community Advisory Committee in the South Bay. CAC members include business leaders, non-profit organizations helping transitional workers gain employment, and chambers of commerce. ...read more

San Pedro Workshop on Clearwater Project Construction

San Pedro Workshop on Clearwater Project Construction

February 28, 2019

On February 26, the Sanitation Districts hosted a public workshop at the Peck Park Community Center in San Pedro to update the community on the Clearwater Project construction. During the meeting we introduced Russ Vakharia, the Sanitation Districts' Resident Engineer who will be overseeing construction. ...read more

Construction Update on Clearwater Project at Joint San Pedro Neighborhood Councils’ Planning and Land Use Meeting

Construction Update on Clearwater Project at Joint San Pedro Neighborhood Councils' Planning and Land Use Meeting

February 22, 2019

On February 20, 2019, the Sanitation Districts attended the Joint San Pedro Neighborhood Councils' Planning and Land Use Meeting to provide an update on Clearwater Project construction and invited the audience to the upcoming public workshop being held at Peck Park Community Center on February 26 at 6:30 pm. ...read more

San Pedro Public Workshop on Construction of Clearwater Project

San Pedro Public Workshop on Construction of Clearwater Project

February 5, 2019

The Sanitation Districts will be hosting a public workshop in San Pedro on February 26 at 6:30 pm to update the community on the upcoming construction of the Clearwater Project. The workshop will take place at Peck Park Community Center located at 560 N. Western Avenue. Please join us.

Clearwater Project Presentation to Palos Verdes Breakfast Club

Clearwater Project Presentation to Palos Verdes Breakfast Club

February 5, 2019

On February 2, 2019, the Sanitation Districts provided the Palos Verdes Breakfast Club an update on the Clearwater Project. Approximately 115 business and community leaders were present. ...read more

Sanitation Districts Award Infrastructure Contract to Protect Local Waterways

January 25, 2019

On January 23, 2019, the Sanitation Districts awarded a construction contract for the Clearwater Project to Dragados USA, Inc. The project will protect local waterways by addressing aging infrastructure and involves building a new 7-mile long, 18-foot diameter tunnel to convey treated water from the Joint Water Pollution Control Plant in Carson to existing ocean outfalls at Royal Palms Beach in San Pedro. Construction will begin this year and is scheduled to end in 2026. Read more

Clearwater Project Presentation to Coastal San Pedro Neighborhood Council

Clearwater Project Presentation to Coastal San Pedro Neighborhood Council

January 25, 2019

On January 22, 2019, the Sanitation Districts provided the Coastal San Pedro Neighborhood Council an update on the Clearwater Project, which begins construction this year. ...read more

Looking Back at 2018

December 19, 2018

Click here for a 1-minute video recapping our community outreach efforts in 2018.

Clearwater Project Presentation to South Bay Sunrise Rotary Club

Clearwater Project Presentation to South Bay Sunrise Rotary Club

December 10, 2018

On December 5, 2018, the Sanitation Districts provided the South Bay Sunrise Rotary Club an update on the Clearwater Project, which begins construction early next year. ...read more

San Pedro Rotary Club Tours Joint Water Pollution Control Plant

October 24, 2018

On October 20, 2018, the Sanitation Districts gave a tour of the Joint Water Pollution Control Plant to the Rotary Club of San Pedro. ...read more

Clearwater Project Presentation at South Bay Cities Council of Governments Legislative Meeting

Clearwater Project Presentation at South Bay Cities Council of Governments Legislative Meeting

October 15, 2018

On October 11, 2018, the Sanitation Districts presented an update on the Clearwater Project to local, state and federal elected officials at the South Bay Cities Council of Governments legislative meeting. ...read more

Clearwater Project Presentation to Wilmington Chamber of Commerce

Clearwater Project Presentation to Wilmington Chamber of Commerce

October 1, 2018

On September 18, 2018, the Sanitation Districts updated the Wilmington Chamber of Commerce on the Clearwater Project, which begins construction early next year. ...read more

Clearwater Project Presentation to Los Angeles Gateway Chamber of Commerce

Clearwater Project Presentation to Los Angeles Gateway Chamber of Commerce

September 12, 2018

On September 11, 2018, the Sanitation Districts provided an update on the Clearwater Project to the Los Angeles Gateway Chamber of Commerce. ...read more

Clearwater Project Presentation to Palo Del Amo Woods Neighborhood Association

Clearwater Project Presentation to Palo Del Amo Woods Neighborhood Association

August 24, 2018

On August 21, 2018, the Sanitation Districts provided an update on the Clearwater Project to the Palo Del Amo Woods Neighborhood Association. ...read more

New Clearwater Project Video

August 13, 2018

We have a new 5-minute video that provides an overview of the Clearwater Project including what the project is, why the project is needed, and how the project will be constructed. Click on this link to view it.

Clearwater Project Presentation to Tri-Lions Club

Clearwater Project Presentation to Tri-Lions Club

July 30, 2018

On July 26, 2018, the Sanitation Districts provided an update on the Clearwater Project to the Tri-Lions Club of San Pedro, Harbor-City Lomita, and Wilmington. ...read more

Harbor City Neighborhood Council

Clearwater Project Presentation to Harbor City Neighborhood Council

July 13, 2018

On June 20, 2018, the Sanitation Districts provided an update on the Clearwater Project to the Harbor City Neighborhood Council. Over 50 people were in attendance. ...read more

San Pedro Chamber of Commerce

Clearwater Project Presentation to San Pedro Chamber of Commerce

June 14, 2018

On June 12, 2018, the Sanitation Districts provided an update on the Clearwater Project to the San Pedro Chamber of Commerce. ...read more


Carson Public Workshop on Clearwater Project Construction

April 30, 2018

The Sanitation Districts held a public workshop on Clearwater Project Construction on April 26 at the Carriage Crest Park located on 23800 South Figueroa Street. ...read more


Taller Público Sobre El Proyecto de Construcción Clearwater En Carson

30 Abril 2018

Los Distritos Sanitarios tuvieron un taller público sobre la construcción del proyecto Clearwater el 26 de abril en el Parque Carriage Crest situado en 23800 Sur Calle Figueroa. ...leer mas


Wilmington Public Workshop on Clearwater Project Construction

March 28, 2018

The Sanitation Districts held a public workshop on Clearwater Project Construction on March 27 at the Wilmington Senior Center located on 1371 Eubank Avenue. ...read more


Taller Público Sobre El Proyecto de Construcción Clearwater En Wilmington

28 Marzo 2018

Los Distritos Sanitarios tuvieron un taller público sobre la construcción del proyecto Clearwater el 27 de marzo en el Wilmington Senior Center situado en 1371 Eubank Avenue. ...leer mas


California Coastal Commission Approves Permit for Clearwater Project

February 9, 2018

On February 9, 2018, the California Coastal Commission unanimously approved issuance of a permit to the Sanitation Districts for construction of the Clearwater Project at Royal Palms Beach. The project will protect local waterways by addressing aging wastewater (sewage) infrastructure that serves over 5 million people in Los Angeles County. ...read more

New Clearwater Project Website

Welcome to Our New Website

February 1, 2018

The Sanitation Districts of Los Angeles County are excited to launch the Clearwater Project website, your online resource for construction information and related events. ...read more

Clearwater Project Update Presentation to JWPCP Citizens Advisory Committee

Clearwater Project Update Presentation to JWPCP Citizens Advisory Committee

December 19, 2017

On December 19, 2017, the Sanitation Districts provided an update on the Clearwater Project to members of Joint Water Pollution Control Plant (JWPCP) Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC) during the annual holiday dinner. ...read more

Second San Pedro Public Workshop on Clearwater Project

Second San Pedro Public Workshop on Clearwater Project

September 19, 2017

On September 19, 2017, the Sanitation Districts conducted a second workshop on the Clearwater Project for the residents of San Pedro. Various aspects of construction and other technical matters were discussed. ...read more

Award of Construction Management Services Contract

Award of Construction Management Services Contract

August 23, 2017

On August 23, 2017, the Sanitation Districts' Board of Directors entered into a construction management services agreement with Mott MacDonald LLC to augment Districts' staff ...read more

Award of Public Outreach Consulting

Award of Public Outreach Consulting Contract

August 9, 2017

On August 9, 2017, the Sanitation Districts' Board of Directors authorized the issuance of a purchase order to Environmental Outreach Strategies (EOS) for public outreach consulting services. ...read more

San Pedro Public Workshop on Clearwater Project

San Pedro Public Workshop on Clearwater Project

July 19, 2017

On July 19, 2017, the Sanitation Districts conducted a workshop on the Clearwater Project for the residents of San Pedro. This workshop was held at the Doubletree Hotel in San Pedro and it provided the opportunity for local residents to ask questions about the Clearwater Project.

Clearwater Project Update Presentation to South Bay Cities COG Infrastructure Working Group

Clearwater Project Update Presentation to South Bay Cities COG Infrastructure Working Group

July 19, 2017

On July 19, 2017, the Sanitation Districts provided an update on the Clearwater Project to the Infrastructure Working Group of South Bay Cities Council of Governments (COG), where public works directors, city managers, and elected officials were present.

Clearwater Project Update Presentation to Coastal San Pedro Neighborhood Council

Clearwater Project Update Presentation to Coastal San Pedro Neighborhood Council

June 19, 2017

On June 19, 2017, the Sanitation Districts provided an update on the Clearwater Project to the Coastal San Pedro Neighborhood Council, where members of the public were present.

Clearwater Project Update Presentation to RPV Council of Homeowner Associations

Clearwater Project Update Presentation to RPV Council of Homeowner Associations

June 14, 2017

On June 14, 2017, the Sanitation Districts provided an update on the Clearwater Project to the Rancho Palos Verdes Council of Homeowner Associations (CHOA). CHOA Board Members, elected officials and members of the public were present.

Prequalification for Construction Contractor

Prequalification for Construction Contractors

April 10, 2017

On April 10, 2017, the Sanitation Districts completed a prequalification process for potential contractors for the Clearwater Project. Eight firms passed the pre-qualification process:

...read more